Monday, December 28, 2009

Small note on Avatar

As a a piece of narrative film-making, it's bunk. Bloated and hackneyed with one-note characters and lame, jackhammer-subtle dialogue.

As a demo reel of possible cinematic futures, though, it's exciting. Avatar is, in its best moments, so gorgeous, so absorbing. Imagine what a filmmaker like Christopher Nolan could do with James Cameron's piggy-bank and toy-box.


Unknown said...

Paabor said it's like reading lord of the rings while doing cocaine and listening to In Rainbows. Correct?

Adam Wray said...

No! More like listening to early Kid A/Amnesiac demos with a high fever.

Murph said...

You may have your wish. Check out this rare interview with Chris Nolan:

Kay said...

It's a fantastic movie to look at, but I became disengaged when I realized it was just another "Pocahontas" story with flat characters.

Interesting blog, too bad you don't update it anymore.