Monday, December 21, 2009

No. 2: About

I guess this should have been No. 1.

I moved to Korea a little over a week ago to teach English. I've created this blog because I'm hoping that some of my experiences here will be of genuine interest to friends and family in Canada. I've been gone less than two weeks, but things are very, very different here, and I don't anticipate having much difficulty generating interesting content. Personal blogging never seemed like a good idea back home, because who wants to read about me drinking coffee at Manic or eating a pita and watching 30 Rock in my apartment? Here, you can't even buy a pita! And that's a post right there.

Naturally, what I write will be tailored to my specific interests - music, cities, film, baseball, literature, sneakers, expensive hoodies, etc.

Enjoy, please!


Unknown said...

We will most definitely enjoy. That's an easy request to fulfill! I love neckbreakas!

The Hinckster said...

will do! and i'll comment, to boot. i wanted to comment on the last nerd blog post that i adore mariah and am seeing her in concert on february 6th with bronco (sure to be a shitshow, in the cool sense of the word), but decided to combine comments so i don't look too keen.

but i am very keen.

much love, awray.